Take part in the Action Pack
We’re calling on children aged 5 to 11 in England and Northern Ireland to take protecting the environment into their own hands!
Our 2023 competition, The Big Recycling Hunt (now closed), encouraged pupils to hunt all the items that are incorrectly going in the rubbish bin and return them to their rightful place: the recycling.
You can still take part by using our curriculum-linked resources to learn all about being an active citizen and recycling, and teach grown-ups what they can do to help our planet!
CBBC and Blue Peter presenter Mwaksy Mudenda joins our Recycling Youth Ambassadors on the Big Recycling Hunt

Free classroom resources
Explore our range of fun classroom resources aligned with the curriculum (PSHE/PDMU and Science/The World Around Us).
Our introductory resources explore what it means to be an active citizen, why we recycle and how to recycle in your area.
You can then choose from a series of fun creative challenges to put learning into practice and help get your whole school community recycling more and recycling better.
Sign up to our newsletter!
Use this form to sign up to receive our newsletters. These newsletters include news about The Action Pack resources, tips and inspiration for spreading your recycling messages, and news about prizes and winning submissions.
With all the latest updates it’s easy to keep your pupils inspired!
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